We already knew that LaLa surely has a heart, and that it beats strongly too, but only a proper examination can reveal exactly what's going on with it.
Today, LaLa (Poisson Ivy La La Land) underwent the most important test, namely a Doppler heart examination. The words of the cardiologist delighted us immensely: LaLa has a textbook-perfect heart. We are extremely pleased that our efforts are being validated. We always strive to pair healthy representatives of the breed.
With this examination, LaLa has completed the final health check, and we can start to make some plans with her but it will be after some time that we will breed her because her head and little brain are still playful and joyful, like one big puppy.
LaLa is the daughter of our Becky (Ice Court l'Extase) and Horus (Ice Court The Inverted), who is currently staying with us as a guest.